How to Use Artificial Intelligence in Business

ChatGPT is increasingly becoming popular, and it’s making other uses of artificial intelligence popular too. However, it’s important to understand what it can and can’t do. Here are some ideas for using AI to make money in various aspects of business.

Using ChatGPT for Resumes

ChatGPT is great at making resumės for personal use, but may not be the best option for use as a side hustle. This is because resumės require a lot of personal information from your potential clients. You’ll essentially need to ask them for their resumė up front in order to proofread and edit it. While this can be a great way to make money in a side hustle, it doesn’t take advantage of AI’s true strengths in speed and efficiency.

You can provide extras, such as a cover letter, to supplement the value. However, the work you’ll need to put into this is much more than other use cases, as it requires specific knowledge on the individual you’re building the portfolio for. This research is time-consuming, and may take up more time than you’re willing to spend on a side hustle.

ChatGPT in Marketing

ChatGPT can perform well in certain aspects of marketing. For example, it’s great at summarizing text and ideating posts for specific social media platforms like Facebook versus LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. It can also be used for brainstorming, title/subheader suggestions, and assisting in creating things like a tagline.

The best way to market yourself in the marketing industry is by providing fractional CMO support. This means instead of taking on a full-time role, you’ll provide support on a per-project basis. It allows you to specialize in your strengths (whether it’s social media, content marketing, community building, or whatever else) while still maintaining your main gig.

You can also list specific services on marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork. One thing to be clear about in these marketplaces is disclosing that you’re using ChatGPT for the work. Some clients may not allow generative AI content and will contractually require human-written content, especially when it comes to things like ghostwritten thought leadership meant to be published in a mainstream publication. As long as you’re transparent, there is a market for prompt engineering in marketing.

Using ChatGPT to Make Business Plans

Creating a business plan is a great use-case of ChatGPT, because the dataset relies on existing information. This means you can tap into it to formulate proven business plans based on little to no information. It’s a great way to tap into the true potential power of ChatGPT and create something for clients that can act as an outline for their business.

Leveraging ChatGPT for a Side Hustle

The best way to make money in a side hustle is to focus on what you’re already passionate about and have expertise in. If you’re a car mechanic and know what you’re talking about on the topic, there’s no reason to leverage AI to become a medical doctor, for example. Stick to what you’re good at, and there are plenty of ways to make a living as a developer, ghostwriter, how-to guide writer, scriptwriter, copywriter, or anything else that involves words as a business.

Writing has always been a thriving business, even before smartphones and the internet existed. It dates back thousands of years, and there are plenty of opportunities available in the writing business.

For generative AI, search for “prompt engineer” in addition to “ChatGPT” as search terms to find gig work directly related to the technologies. This will uncover what opportunities may be available and which skills are most valuable in the current job market.

Understanding the Limits of ChatGPT

It’s important to understand what ChatGPT is and isn’t capable of doing. While it is great at summarizing text or coming up with ideas, it shouldn’t be used as a search engine, and its outputs are not copyrightable and should never be published without human editing. 

Also, ChatGPT is not a shortcut to success. You still need to hustle and grind your way to gain clients, and both your self-promotion and the content you provide need to be top-notch if you’re going to build a successful side hustle. Remember that everybody has access to ChatGPT, so using it is not an advantage in and of itself. You still need to separate yourself from the pack if you want to generate real revenue leveraging AI.

Ali Hicks-Wright

Ali is an entrepreneur, designer, strategist and marketer who loves to turn ideas into beautiful, everlasting brands. Ali is a mountain dweller, beach vacationer, dog lover, and green chile enthusiast.

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