My morning mindset for a good day

As I enter in a new season- it’s February, so cue the birthday palooza… I begin to reflect on myself, who I am becoming, and who I want to be not only for myself, but for others.

I am someone who gives 100% when I say yes, and I make sure it’s resounding. My loyalty and sense of responsibility is something I carry with me- sometimes to a fault.

As I reflect on who I want to be or myself this year, I know it comes from my mind, and how I see what is possible, because possibilities are imagined before they become real.

Between my insane travel schedule, bicoastal obligations, and time zone changes, I let my physical and mental health suffer. No mas, no thank you.

As I begin a new year of life, I have really begun to focus on setting clear boundaries for myself.

Let me tell you- saying “no” is HARD for me. I want to show up for my people, yet I can start to see that showing up for others isn’t fair if I don’t show up first and foremost for myself.

Here are some daily habits I’ve adopted that have truly been helping me set my priorities and mindset everyday:

Binaural Beats: Living in NYC has been hard on my sleep- the noises of the city at the night disrupt my already light sleeping patterns. Since I’ve begun listening to Binaural beats throughout the night, they have lulled me to sleep and have created a sound system for my brain to heal and relax. Spotify and Alexa both have free options for this.

Morning Meditation: I wake up and am mindful of not checking emails or scrolling on IG. Instead, I have been meditating while I get ready for the day. The Superhuman app is my ultimate favorite- they have walking and working meditations on all types of topics, with different lengths and focuses. Whatever you’re feeling is needing affirmation or motivation, this is the place to go! It does cost a subscription fee, however it’s been worth the investment in my opinion. Another alternative is to check out Youtube, they have some amazing free affirmation videos.

Affirmations: My mind is my world, what I tell myself I am, I become. Here are my current favorite, and I just say them as I get ready.

  • “I am exactly where I need to be.”

  • “I cannot control what happens today, but I can choose how to react.”

  • “I am loved, and I will love others today.”

  • “I am capable. I am worthy.”

  • “Today, I want to feel ______ (productive, strong, patient, bold, etc)”

Water before coffee: I fasted for 7 days in January, drinking only water, and realized how much of myself feels better when I am hydrated with high quality, PH balanced water. My favorites right now are Essentia Water and Pellegrino (I add a squeeze of lime and sprinkle of salt, a natural Liquid IV without the sugar)- I usually get it on Amazon. Water is non- negotiable and is really only supplemented by an occasional coffee in the morning and tea. I save the fancy drink splurge for weekends with friends.

Movement: My schedule is never replicable, which means my fitness journey is a lot more flexible than it ever has been. Moving is not negotiable. I aim for 10,000 steps daily, whether it means walking on the treadmill at the hotel before an all-day session or walking down from Central Park to the West Village to hit the goal. I also recently got a subscription to Alo Moves (they have a free trial, highly suggest you check it out) and it’s a perfect online platform for at home workouts- I get my pilates fix from anywhere now. When I’m in the city, I usually use Classpass for some social interaction at a boutique studio. Bottom line, I make sure I move!

Habits= freedom

The reality is that you don’t have to take on everything at once, I have been working for years on refining what works for me, and share this in the hopes that something sparks, and helps you in some small way. I know that when I have a solid routine, I feel much more calm and centered, ready to take on the day.


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