The Role of Self

When I first began writing, it was in a pink sparkle notebook in the third grade. I was immersed in reading and felt that I had a story to tell. I always kept those stories hidden, locked away in pages, in excerpts, scribbles on random sheets of paper, and now, thanks to Apple Notes, scattered across years of digital ramblings.

I have always been a keen listener, and had an uncanny ability to be engrossed in a storyline. I recently took a look at the notes that I have scattered both in boxes as I moved to New York, and my Cloud storage and realized that my writings are mostly love notes to the world, to the people I love. I love old fashioned letters, postcards, and scour the Paper Source and the Target Hallmark aisle for the perfect card, one that resonates and tells a story that matches the person I’m gifting.

Intention is at the heart of story telling.

The role of self is also key.

Life changes, as does the roles we play, and titles we carry.

The role of self is the only one that does not change, however, it transforms with the evolution of time. Being is the only thing we as human beings can control. Who I am being for myself, and who I am being for others. The role of self is one that we carry in every season of life, in everything we do and create in this lifetime. It’s in how we give others space to be their best selves, in the way we speak to ourselves and others, in the way we make them feel, in how we leave them better than we find them- or at least that is the hope.

I find myself thinking about the evolution of self- who I am carries so much weight in the responsibilities, in the roles I carry, and yet as much as I have aspired to be in every role, I also find myself wondering who I am outside of them.

We attach so much value to the roles we carry- the titles we work so hard to earn. Yet, at the end of the day, who I am to myself and to those around me are the only ones I am going to be remembered by.

This is a gentle reminder to honor the me within the greater we that so beautifully becomes our reality, and to celebrate everything I am just as I am, right in this moment.


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